Everstanding 1000

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___It was a relatively normal morning for Normon; Birds chirping, people tending to their lawns next door, and Normon was in his bed. Except, the one thing was, suddenly, when he opened his eyes, none of this was happening anymore. There were now clouds where his cieling, walls, floor and open space should be. "What in the bloody fu-" he quietly exclaimed, as he and his bed were falling from the sky. Shortly, the clouds disapeared, and furthermore shortly after that, there was an abrubt thud and smashing sound of wood and metal.

___"Hu- ...huh" stammered Normon. "What in the actual hell happened-" Before too long, he heard an unusual voice that sounded like early computer speech synthesis utter "Hello, Normon. We have been expecting for this exception to happen." Normon took himself aback, not sure what to take from this statement other than he was expected for a number of possible reasons. "Uhm, may I ask where I am or who you are?" he asked. "I am the everstanding, Northern Moniter," said the voice. " A value on your person has changed, causing you and your emediate surroundings to be transported to 4c534134303837" Normon looked around himself, and astonished, he saw that his portable computer was there. And, because it was on the bed, had survived the fall. In fact, t showed that his bed was probably safer in a crash than any motorized vehicle he had ever been in. "Who are you talking to?" asked a more alive and human sounding voice to Normons back left. Normon whipped around to see a girl, judging by appearance to be the same age as himself, but oddly slim. Considering he had never had a thought in his mind to go to those pornography sites, it understandably took a good minute for him to realize that the reason she was oddly slim was because she was actually completely nude. Before he could look away, his eyes had allready darted over her and save a mental image to his brain, not to sexuallize her persay, but to simply have for refference. In fact, he had never seen anyone but himself nude in his memory timeline, so this was normal he thought. "Oh, I don't really know, I could have been talking to myself to be quite honest," stated Normon, quite truthfully. While his eyes had been taking a quick dart, he also had seen they were in the middle of a forrest clearing, not that big in diameter. Normon suddenly fell unconscious after this.

___When Normon awoke, he had a series of pains. He had a mild headache, and his left cheek felt a bit sore while his left eye he noticed was flickering open and shut, but no sight came to it. Panicked and not knowing where he was, Normon bolted upright to find he was in a very soft but sturdy bed. His surroundings in the room were a standard looking wardrobe, night stand, desk and oil lamp on said desk. What he also noticed was that his belongings that had made it there (a few pieces of pencils, a battered notebook, and his portable computer) were on his desk. His blankets that he had, had been washed and lain over him. "Great," thought Normon. "I've been transported to the middle of the woods and dropped from the sky there somehow, I had a strange voice in my head talk to me, and I've fallen uncouscious for who knows how long after seeing a nude girl for the first time-" abrubtly stopping hes thought, the door to the room opened and in walked the girl, this time clothed of course. But it wasn't modern day clothing, it was a more victorian era casual dress. "How are you feeling?" she asked almost emediately. "You were out cold for a good 16 hours-" "Well I guess that answers one of my questions," stated Normon. Normon paused, managing to think to ask what year it was. "May I ask, what year is it?" Normon asked. She didn't appeart to respond. He asked once more. Again, not a response to what he had said, but this time a bit after she asked "are you fully awake?" "What?" He exclaimed. "I asked what year it was twice!" She looked at him puzzled, and asked "Asked what?" Normon sat there, baffled, and once more questioned what the year was. No response, just a concerned look. "If it makes you feel better, there are also questions I can't ask, in this weird space," she said. Normon concluded that there was some sort of from asking this question, and possibly others. "Where are we?" he asked, this time recieving an answer, but it concluded his thought. "Well, you're in my house, but that's about as specific as I can go," she stated, sounding a bit down. "No matter where I go, the space eventually just wraps back around and I get to the opposite edge of the town from where I exited." Normon pondered things for a bit, before stating "I would like to see for myself, then." She sighed, then said "if you insist, I can show you what I mean."

___Normon got out of the bed and followed the girl to the door. "Not to bother you, but may I ask your name?" He asked. "Cornillia," she said. "Cornillia Thompson." "That's quite the name, I've never met anyone who's had it," Normon said as an attempt at small talk. When they got to the door, Cornillia put on a jacket and opened the door, with minimal creaking of the hinge. She turned to Normon and informed him on the course of the trip. “So, it will take about 20 minutes to get across this town, and another 20 minutes through the woods before we wrap around back to my house.” “Well then let’s see,” said Normon.

___As they walked, Normon saw the main street of a normal enough town. The thing was, no one person looked to be in the same era. "So, I also wanted to show you to you designated quarters," said Cornilia. "What?" Normon exclaimed quietly. "What is it that you mean, 'my quarters'?" Cornillia kept walking, and after a short walk, Normon Saw they were gettiong nearer and nearer to a house with a design that he was more familliar with. "Is that my house?” asked, confused on how it had gotten there. “It may be, don’t you recognie your own front door?” “Well, I simply have seen so many- houses in styles that I’m not familliar with while we walked down here, it’s just so weird seeing such a famillar sight,” stated Normon. He eyed down the the house to make sure it was really his, then went up to the door, getting out his key. “Well that’s quite strange, there’s a different lock on my door-” He said. “Yeah, that happens to every new house it seems,” Cornillia stated. “Everyone get’s a key in whatever storage container they were carrying when transported, which, was in your sheets as you didn’t exactly have a bag.” She proceeded to dig in her coats pocket, and fished out a key with no teeth. Normon took it, and inserted it into the lock. Oddly, the key made the grinding that the old one did, despite being completely smooth. Sure enough, it did unlock the door. He glanced inside, and all seemed to be well, where afterward he closed and re-locked the door.

___They continued down the path, houses starting to cut off. At the end of the path, they were stopped by the wall of a forrest. “Those trees are like- super tall and thick,” Normon stated, in aw. He had never seen such trees- He was seeing a lot of things for the first time recently, he wondered how much more would be new to him. Normon walked closer. Cornillia didn’t stop him, but she didn’t walk with him either. “Aren’t you gonna lead m-DINK,” asked Normon, before colliding with something. “What in the-” he grunted, due to a pain on his head. He collected himself, bolted up, and was about to make a complaint when he noticed there was an hourglass above Cornillia’s head, and that she appeared to be completely frozen, asside from a light breeze swaying her jacket, and the place he collided with not even having any movement beyond that point. He looked back to Cornillia just in time to see her vanish, and text appear in her place, reading “Er 6104: CONNECTION-TIME-OUT’ RESTARTING CLIENT” before the text vannished shortly after that.

___Normon decided to walk home. When he got there, by muscle memory he flicked the light switch. But to his light bafflement, (because he had been baffled so much today already) the light actually activated. “What- how is my house getting power?” He questioned in his head. Normon decided to ignore this detail for the time being, as it was a more fortunate than bad thing. Walking to their fridge, something felt odd, which would become more aparent when he opened the door. As they expected, the fridge light turned on when he opened the door, but that made them see that none of the food that was in there had a brand name, just a genaric label with the logo or title removed, only the graphic and the information about what was in the containor remained. Normon puzzled, then decided to go to go and see if the same thing affected his computer and software suitte. Normon ran to their office room, put his hand on the knob, where their mind blanked and he paused for a solid bit. After regaining full awareness, he felt a sense of a personal era ending, as they turned the knob, and slowly opened the door, and walked in.

Tsk ER;0682: gdr.config has caused devide by zero error and has failed, and deemed falsely executed to ram from the wrong file; sysTsk blanking to recovery/autorepair.aplctn.

___As soon as Normon stepped into the room, ----- vision went went wonky, and so did ----- motions. Whe ---- regained vision and stability, ---- were now in a small brightly lit and very quiet room, with the only noise to be heard a faint whistling of an air vent, and the scratchy sounds of a mechanical drive. A window opened out of the wall, but not to an outside, but to a computer looking terminal. The terminal read:



___[y= yes] [n= no]

___"What on earth?" Normon said, deciding to contemplate on this. Normon noticed that there was no keyboard, but as soon as ---- imagined one, one did appear. After looking back and forth from the keyboard to the display, Normon hit the y key. It did nothing. ---- hit it several more times, to no avail. "Must be locked up- looks like ancient hardware is running this- I'm honestly not surprised," ---- muttered. After saying this, though, Normon noticed a weight in ----- pocket, and a lock on the wall. It seemed that ----- half thoughts on what should be there were causing elements of the room that were hidden to now show themselves. Normon reached into ----- pocket, and found a computer key, that looked that it would fit into the lock. "Is this some kind of test?" ---- yelled, which hurt ----- eardrums, but didn't get a reply. ---- stuck the key into the lock and turned it. The terminal device's display got noticeably brighter, suggesting that doing that did something. As soon as Normon tried to press Y on the keyboard again, the picture instantly responded and displayed a new layer of text.


___BELONGING TO Northern Monitor.

___WARNING; This char is in the ******** at 4c534134303837, in an

___unstable state.

___WISH TO CONTINUE? [y= yes] [n=no]

Normon punched the Y key once more.



___'I accept any potential damage coming out of this' [y= yes] [n= no]

---- hit the key yet again, thinking nothing of it. Shortly the room around --e- began to discipate violently into a mash of lights, colours and scrambled lines where everything in the room --e- had thought of streaking weirdly in the light. --e- heard a door creak and slam open, in a digitally degraded sounding audio, and felt a tremendous force knock --e- out of --e-r conscious and back into what felt like stable matter, where she passed out immediately.

Chapter 2.